Stage 1 – P2

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 1

Person in charge: Dr. Raluca Bundaru

Deadline: 15.04.2016

Title: Dezvoltari de modele cinetice si de echilibru cuantice cu camp efectiv: ecuatii cinetice de tip von Neumann Boltzmann; efecte de self-consistenta ale sistemelor de sarcini in camp magnetic neomogen.

Abstract:  A complete description, in the sense of existence of global-in-time solutions, was obtained for a class of mean-field Wigner/Boltzmann – von Neumann like equations. To this end, order monotonicity methods, previously developed for classical and semi-classical systems, were suitable extended to quantum kinetic models. A basic model was formulated and solved for quantum particles in a harmonic trap, interacting with an effective field.  The diamagnetic response of the ideal electron gas in a constant magnetic field was considered in a self consistent manner: the magnetic field which act on the electron system is the resultant of the external constant magnetic field and the magnetic field created by the electron current itself. We proved, in the thermodynamic limit for a semi-infinite system, that the self consistent equation has an unique solution.


Phase no. 2

Persons in charge: Dr. Petruta Stefanescu and Dr. Ovidiu Tintareanu

Deadline: 15.05.2016

Title: Testing the temporal variation of the fine structure constant in cosmologies with scalar-tensor gravity.

Abstract: i) We studied the cosmological consequences of using a generalized BSBM scalar-tensor model for the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions. The nonconservation of the photons number, caused by the non-minimal coupling between gravity and electromagnetism, leads to a violation of the standard distance-duality relation and to the need for a reinterpretation of some cosmological measurements, such as the SNIa or BAO. A second fundamental consequence, derived from the modified Maxwell equations, is the emergence of a multiplicative factor in the CMB temperature evolution with the cosmological redshift. ii)  The considered scalar-tensor cosmological model has been tested by comparing the theoretical predictions for the CMB temperature anisotropy with observational data sets provided by the ESA’s Planck mission. iii) We developed an extended version for the CAMB code, implementing the modified CMB dynamics in a BSBM cosmology and correspondingly the COSMOMC code by introducing an additional parameter to describe the deviation from the standard ΛCDM cosmology. iv) We obtained constraints for a number of cosmological parameters, including the value of the fine structure constant α at the end of the recombination era (~1% lower than the present value).


Phase no. 3

Persons in charge: Dr. Octavian Micu

Deadline: 15.09.2016

Title: Quantum black-hole production. Numerical simualtions in BLACKMAX.

Abstract: We investigated the production of black holes in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider within the horizon quantum mechanics formalism for models of gravity with extra spatial dimensions. This approach can be applied to processes around the fundamental gravitational scale (Planck scale) and it naturally yields a suppression of the black hole production cross sections below the fundamental gravitational scale and for increasing number of extra dimensions. The black hole event generator BLACKMAX was used to perform the numerical simulations.  In this work, we show the main differences in the numbers of expected black hole events and mass distributions between the two scenarios: the standard case and the horizon quantum mechanics formalism.


Phase no. 4

Person in charge: Dr. Valeriu Tudose

Title: Radio properties of the binary system SS433

Deadline: 15.11.2016

Abstract: We analyzed radio data obtained with the EVN (European VLBI Network) during a period of intensive activity of the system SS433. Multiple observational epochs (separated by one week) at 5 GHz were available. The calibration was carried out with the standard software AIPS using the usual procedures. We obtained the radio maps of the system, which showed the presence of several blobs of matter moving with relativistic speeds. We tested at milliarcseconds scale in a systematic way the so-called kinematic model (valid at arcseconds scale) which predicts the position of a blob if the moment of its ejection is known (or assumed). The analysis showed that the predictions of the model explained well our observational data, and as a consequence the high resolution radio data can be used to improve on the values of the parameters used in the model. Also, we studied the polarization properties of the system. For the first time in this system we found evidence for polarization at milliarcseconds scale in the ejected blobs.