Stage 1 – P3

The project implementation schedule

Phase no. 1

Responsabil: Cristian Vizitiu

Deadline: 15.06.2016

Title: Requirements identification for algorithm/software model for assessing the correlations between neuro-psychological impairments and neuro-vegetative reflection detectable by infrared imaging.

Abstract: This Report consists in identifying requirements for an algorithm/software model based on Infrared Imaging technology with perspectives of utilization in studies for assessing the correlations between emotions, seen as repercussions of neuro-psychological disorders that involve hemodynamic features on the face/neck regions, as a neuro-vegetative feature. The results consist in identifying system requirements (functional, operational, constraints etc.) for an algorithm/software model design with the purpose to extract information by Infrared Imaging (IR) on the face/neck region of human subject, requirements determination being accomplished according to Systems Engineering (SE) aerospace methodology, implicitly used by ESA in its research and development programmes; graphic illustration of the algorithm useful for the system of interest design.