Core Program Name:
Advanced research on laser – plasma – radiation – space domain
Acronym: LAPLAS IV
Contract number: 4N/2016
Objective name: “Fundamental, applied research and specialized intelligence in science and space technology”
Project Title: Advanced studies and technologies in high energy physics and astrophysics
Project 1: PN
Project director: Dr. Titi Preda
Main objective: Model development for relativistic plasma jets and nuclear relativistic interactions, developing experimental studies and technologies for astrophysics and high energy.
Specific objectives:
1. Studies of elementary interaction models for relativistic particle and nuclei at high energy;
2. Studies of relativistic plasma jets produced by black holes;
3. Studies of cosmic rays detection systems at the ground and in space;
4. Studies of nuclear interactions at energies higher then a few GeV, relevant for astrophysics;
5. Studies of electrical energy production technologies in space and of ionic propulsion.
Expected results:
(1) Study of relativistic plasma jets
(1)1. Numerical code for global simulation of relativistic jets from black holes in active nuclear galaxies using particle-in-cell method
(1)2. Plots which illustrate the generation and amplification of magnetic fields in the plasma of the relativistic jets
(1)3. Method for setting the processes which self-consistent accelerate particles up to non-thermal energies with a power-law distribution
(1)4. Plots for comparing the spectra from simulation made observation with Earth and space telescopes
(1)5. ISI article
(1)6. Presentation of the results at an international conference by Dr. Ioana Dutan (ISS)
(1)7. Presentation at ISS by Prof. Dr. Ken-Ichi Nishikawa (Universitatea din Alabama, Huntsville, SUA)
(1)8. Presentation of the results at University of Alabama by Dr. Ioana Dutan (ISS)
(2) The study of the ultra-relativistic cosmic rays
– scientific communication,
– scientific and technical report,
– outreach activity.
(3) Atmospheric models for optical detection
Developing/upgrading the software packages for modeling of atmospheric effects on the orbital detection of the UV/VIS/IR radiation generated by Earth and atmospheric sources, scientific article published in ISI journal, participation to national/international scientific conferences in the space science domain.
(4) Electromagnetic dissociation reaction
• Cluster study of p, d, t, 3He and 4He in peripheral interaction in nuclear emulsion.
• Types of clusters in nuclear emulsion.
• Scientific report.
(5) Collective ways with radioactive beams
– evaluation of the experimental data considering the collective reply of the exotic nuclei with the help of the methods used in the experiment R3B;
– developing Monte-Carlo simulation software for studying the quasi-free scattering (p,2p) in exotic nuclear reaction in the energy range of 100 MeV – 1GeV;
– cross section calculation and comparatives studies with available data from test experiment from R3B and the data from the literature;
– conference presentations.
(6) Nuclear interaction model based on the chaos theory
– Study on the production of particles at relativistic energies using a Monte-Carlo modulator of nuclear interactions written in C#: “Chaos Many-Body Engine” (CMBE).
– The input file in format XML of the CMBE with new kaon and nuclear reaction of elementary particles with new disintegration channels.
– Standard distributions and reports made with CMBE and HIJING at 200 AGeV, compared with the distributions and reports of the corresponding experiments from RHIC-BNL.
– Preliminary check with experimental data from astrophysics.
(7) Particle and relativistic nuclei interactions
Results obtained by the members of the team will be presented at phone conferences of the physics groups from which they are part and research reports will be made. The most important results will be published in ISI journals. Also, some of them will be presented at international conferences from the field of relativistic and ultra-relativistic nuclear interactions.
(8) Detection systems for high energy physics and astrophysics
– software developing for Monte-Carlo simulations with GEANT4
– software developing for experimental data from test-beams
– presentation of the results at workshops and international conferences and publishing them in an ISI journal.
(9) Solar cells
– Updating the national and international status in the field;
– Finding the penetration depth for the ionizing radiation in materials of the type A2B6 using MC simulations;
– Correlation of the penetration depth of the ionizing radiation with the initial energy of the incident particle;
– Finding and upgrading new ways of low mass and high performance energy for future space missions;
– Algorithms developing for experimental data handling obtained before and after irradiation with ionizing particles.