About Us

The Institute of Space Science (ISS) from Magurele, Romania is carrying out fundamental and advanced technological research in Space Physics and related fields based on previously acquired experience, and international collaborations. The opportunity of participating in in situ space research missions, as well as in major ground based experiments has a major impact on the competence level of staff. The Institute’s R&D activity is based on the concept of covering, whenever possible, all experimental and theoretical stages: from equipment development, experiments in cosmic space, ground based,  underground or undersea related projects, data processing and interpretation, theoretical studies, to space utilization and knowledge dissemination to the general public including educational actions.

The mission of the Institute of Space Science is twofolded: to contribute to Romanian’s participation in the worldwide effort of investigation and peaceful uses of the cosmic space, including applications for increasing the quality of life on Earth; to contribute to the preservation and the development of Romania’s space capabilities and expertise to conduct frontier research in fundamental science.

In more detail,  we consider it our mission to:

  • lead and conduct research programs and carry out theoretical and experimental studies to push forward the human knowledge on the circumterrestrial, solar, galactic and extragalactic environments;
  • develop instrumentation for space and terrestrial experiments;
  • develop applications and transfer the knowledge and technology for the benefit of the society;
  • encourage the pursuit of appropriate partnerships with the industry;
  • train and develop  human resources by involving students in the research process;
  • commit ourselves to education and public outreach, and free dissemination of knowledge.

The main domains of activity of ISS are:  space related sciences and technology, applications of space communication techniques, hardware for on-board, ground segment and ground based experiments, appropriate computing technologies.

The main directions for the Research & Development activity are:

  1. Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics
  2. High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
  3. Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
  4. Space Technology and Hardware for Space Experiments  (on-board and ground segment) and Satellite Data Processing
  5. Experiments, Data Analysis, and Theoretical Developments on Space Plasma
  6. Microgravity, Space Dynamics and Microsatellits
  7. Distributed and Parallel Computing in Space and Terrestrial Researches and Applications.
  8. Applications of Space and Communication Technologies