

The main strategy of the ISS is to expand Romanian participation in the worldwide efforts for the peaceful investigation and development of the cosmic space, including applications to improve the quality of life on our planet. We also consider it our mission to preserve and further develop Romanian space capabilities and expertise in order to be able to conduct leading-edge fundamental scientific research.

To implement these goals, the ISS has set very specific scientific and development strategic objectives. Among the scientific objectives are:

  • Satellite/ground investigations and modelling of solar system plasmas.
  • Participation to ESC scientific missions (e.g. PLANCK, EUCLID and CoRE).
  • Participation in UHE astrophysical experiments (e.g. ANTARES, KM3NeT, DWARF, Pierre Auger Observatory).
  • Search for exotic particles and phenomena in cosmic rays and accelerator/collider experiments (e.g. ALICE-CERN, ILC).
  • Theoretical research of complex structures and processes in astrophysics, gravitation and cosmology.
  • Development of High Performance Computing resources for high energy elementary particle physics, astrophysics and space science such as GPU computing, cloud computing and GRID sites for development, management and support of large-scale space-borne and ground-based international experiments (e.g. ALICE, PLANCK).
  • Development of satellite test facilities and of microsatellite design, test and integration facilities (e.g. GOLIAT).
  • Development of space technology with applications to remote sensing, telemedicine, disaster management and countermeasures for human space flight in adverse conditions.

In terms of development objectives, the ISS is committed to continually improve the quality of its research, expertise and resources, to attract and integrate highly qualified experts, to facilitate the transfer the knowledge and technology for the benefit of society and to encourage the pursuit of partnerships with the industry. The ISS is also dedicated to contribute to the training of new experts through close collaboration with national and international educational institutions and through direct involvement in the educational process, to public education and outreach and to the free dissemination of knowledge.