Work Package 1: Management
This work package is devoted to the scientific, technical and legal administration of the project. The activities include preparation of the meetings, teleconferences, drafting of the documents, monitoring and maintaining of the Contract and taking the appropriate measures for the fulfillment of the tasks assumed in the contract. The work-package leader is Dr. Marius Echim (ISS) but management activities will be performed by the Project Coordinator of UTCN, Prof. Octavian Cret as well as the WP leaders.
Work Package 2: Algorithms optimization
This WP focuses mainly on the optimization of the numerical algorithms that need to be implemented in order to achieve the scopes of OANA, namely the on board computation of key variability descriptors. The WP is devoted to analyze the existing algorithms for performance (speed), area and power consumption. The WP is under the responsibility of algorithmic experts from UTCN where the main activities of this WP will be performed.
Work Package 3: Alpha version of the VHDL code based on the Matlab heritage
This work-package is devoted to the first stage of the activities meant to raise the TRL from 2 to 3. The integrated MATLAB library built for interactive scientific nonlinear analysis of plasma variability and computation of the relevant key descriptors (like PSD, spectral index, flatness) will be updated and optimized to become a conceptual version of the tool devoted to the autonomous, real time on-board processing of data and extraction of key-parameters/descriptors of data variability and nonlinearity. The alpha version of the IP cores will be obtained within the Matlab environment using the HDL code translator. The work-package leader is Dr. Eliza Teodorescu (ISS) and the main activities will be performed in ISS.
Work Package 4: Beta and final version of the VHDL IP cores and tests with laboratory FPGA technology
This work-package is devoted to the activities meant to realize the beta version of the code. The alpha version serves as a first materialization of the real time non-linear analysis algorithms. The beta version will optimize the VHDL code and will apply the adequate measures to render the code to perform correctly and to be adapted to the main scope of OANA. The project leader of this package is Prof. Octavian Cret (UTCN) and the activities will be performed mainly in UTCN. The deliverable of this work-package is the final version of the OANA IP VHDL cores.
Work Package 5: The road-map for building the technology on space qualified radiation tolerant FPGA technology from Xilinx and MICROSEMI
This work-package will define the measures, according to ESA’ rules of the road, necessary to be carried out after achievement of OANA objectives to further advance from TRL 5 achieved at the end of OANA to TRL 6. This package will outline the procedures to be followed in order to begin the realization and testing of the reconfigurable computer based on Virtex7 defense grade / MICROSEMI RTG4 FPGA technology. The work-package leaders of this package are Prof. Octavian Cret (UTCN) and Dr. Marius Echim (ISS), the activities will be performed in UTCN and ISS.
Work Package 6: Dissemination and intellectual property
This work-package is devoted to the activities meant to disseminate the results and also to protect the intellectual rights resulting from OANA. Special attention will be given to protect the intellectual rights resulting from this project as the innovative component is very important. The patents will be co-authored by the participants to OANA in function of their relative contribution. The leaders of this work-package are Dr. Marius Echim and Prof. Octavian Cret and both ISS and UTCN contribute to accomplish the tasks of this work package.
The diagram illustrates the breakdown into work packages (in red), deliverables (in blue) and associated responsibilities and activities (in green).